ftDuinoBlue - Examples and Demos

All examples shown on this page are integrated as built-in demos into the Android App. They can be launched without using a real arduino or ftDuino.

Demo #1: About ftDuinoBlue

This demo is supposed to explain the basic concepts by itself. but it equally well uses the basic mechanisms itself.

The whole XML description of the user interface consists of the one big layout element. This includes the different user interface elements. In this case these are mainly text elements (labels) representing the explanations given to the user. But it also includes a button as an interactive element.

All elements have to be given an id. The id can be freely choosen. E.g. the button in this example uses id 4. This id serves two main purposes:

The various values for the place attribute allow for complex relative layouts as also shown in the other demos.

List of all placement values

Values for the place attribute

The possible values to be used inside a place attribute are listed below. Most values only affect only the horizontal or only the vertical placement. Two values can therefore be combined in a place attribute using a semicolon like e.g. place='top;hcenter'.

Center the element vertically and horizontally on the screen
Center the element horizontally on the screen
Center the element vertically on the screen
Place at the top of the screen
Place at the bottom of the screen
Place at the start of the screen
Place at the end of the screen
Place at the left screen border
place at the right screen border
Place above the element with id X
Place below the element with id X
Place left of the element with id X
Place right of the element with id X
Place at start of the element with id X
Place at end of the element with id X
Align this elements top with the top of the element with id X
Align this elements bottom with the bottom of the element with id X
Align this elements start with the start of the element with id X
Align this elements end with the end of the element with id X
Align this elements left side with the left side of the element with id X
Align this elements right side with the right side of the element with id X
Align this elements text baseline with the text baseline of the element with id X. This makes both texts appear as sitting on the same line.

Various other attributes allow to style the elements by e.g. changing their size oder color.

<layout orientation='portrait' name='Demo #1: About ftDuinoBlue'> <label id='1' size='20' place='left;top'>ftDuinoBlue allows you to add a custom remote user interface to any Arduino and ftDuino project. All you need is a HM-10 bluetooth module connected to your Arduino, a few lines of extra code in your sketch, and this app.</label> <label id='2' size='20' place='left;below:1'>The entire user interface is stored as an XML description inside your Arduino sketch. There is no need to configure anything in this app.</label> <label id='3' size='20' place='left;below:2'>ftDuinoBlue supports various interface elements like e.g. buttons:</label> <button id='4' size='30' color='white' bgcolor='#673AB7' place='hcenter;below:3'>Button</button> <label id='5' size='20' place='left;below:4'>Use the controls in the demo to see what messages would be sent to the Arduino. Hit the button above for a test. Hit the info button in the menu to see the XML code.</label> </layout>

Demo #2: Buttons

The second demo is a "real life" example. It creates a gamepad like user interface consisting of six buttons. The buttons are arranged relative to each other using the place attribute as explained in demo #1. Placement starts with the ▲ button which is placed in the very center of the screen. Left and right below this are the ◀ and ▶ buttons and the ▼ is placed below these and horizontally centered.

We want the A and B buttons to be slighly above the ▲ button. This is accomplished using a space element. This element is invisible and serves no other purpose than to take up some screen space. In this example a 50 pixel tall space is placed above the ▲ button. The A and B buttons are then placed above this space but left and right of the first ▲ button just like the ◀ and ▶ buttons previously.

This demo also shows that you can use the full UTF-8 character set including those neat triangles. Further examples of UTF-8 characters can be found at places like w3schools.com. Keep in mind that not all of these may be supported by all smart devices.

Finally this demo shows how to use colors and how to set the background color of the entire layout. Colors may be specified by their names (e.g. 'white') but also by their RGB color code. Places like w3schools.com provide tools to help finding the required RGB color codes.

<layout orientation='portrait' name='Demo #2: Buttons' bgcolor='#B7F5FF'> <!-- up arrow button in center, ... --> <button id='1' size='45' color='white' bgcolor='#009688' place='center'>▲</button> <button id='2' size='45' color='white' bgcolor='#00BCD4' place='below:1;left_of:1'>◀</button> <button id='3' size='45' color='white' bgcolor='#00BCD4' place='below:1;right_of:1'>▶</button> <button id='4' size='45' color='white' bgcolor='#FF5722' place='hcenter;below:3'>▼</button> <space id='5' height='50' place='hcenter;above:1'/> <button id='6' size='45' color='#ffffff' bgcolor='#FF5722' place='above:5;left_of:1'>A</button> <button id='7' size='45' color='white' bgcolor='#673AB7' place='above:5;right_of:1'>B</button> </layout>

Demo #3: Joysticks

The third demo highlights the joystick element. This joystick works like a typical analog direction pad and delivers two values to the Arduino, one for the x axis of the joystick and one for the y axis. The joystick can e.g. be used to drive a mobile robot. The values for both axes range from -100 to 100.

Two additional buttons are placed above the joystick. This time a space element with a horizontal width is used to place both buttons 100 pixels apart from each other.

<layout orientation='portrait' name='Demo #3: Joysticks'> <joystick id='1' color='#FF9800' bgcolor='#03A9F4' place='hcenter;bottom'/> <space id='2' width='100' place='hcenter;above:1'/> <button id='3' size='60' color='#ffffff' bgcolor='#009688' place='above:1;left_of:2'>A</button> <button id='4' size='60' color='#ffffff' bgcolor='#F44336' place='above:1;right_of:2'>B</button> </layout>

Demo #4: Switches

Another common element for user interfaces is the switch. Switches share the basic functions with buttons and can also be used to turn things on or off. But unlike buttons they keep their state. Once switched on they stay on until they are explicitely switched off again.

The fact that a switch can permanently change its state makes it desireable to set the correct switch state whenever the app reconnects to the Arduino. The app therefore requests the current STATE from the arduino before it paints the user interface. Upon receiving the STATE request the Arduino can send the state of the switches to the app in order to initialize them properly. The example sketch does this in the ftduinoblue_state_callback() function.

<layout orientation='portrait' name='Demo #4: Switches'> <label id='1' size='30' color='#E91E63' place='hcenter;top'>Some Switches</label> <switch id='2' size='20' width='parent' place='hcenter;below:1'>First switch</switch> <switch id='3' size='20' color='red' width='parent' place='hcenter;below:2'>Second switch</switch> <label id='4' size='30' color='#673AB7' place='hcenter;below:3'>More Switches</label> <switch id='5' size='20' width='parent' place='hcenter;below:4'>Third switch</switch> <switch id='6' size='20' width='parent' place='hcenter;below:5'>Fourth switch</switch> <switch id='7' size='20' bgcolor='#B7F7FF' width='parent' place='hcenter;below:6'>Fifth switch</switch> </layout>

Demo #5: Landscape

All demos so far were expecting to use the smart device in vertical portrait orientation. To e.g. place two joysticks side by side a horizontal landscape layout would be more appropriate. This demo achieves exactly that.

<layout orientation='landscape' name='Demo #5: Landscape'> <joystick id='2' color='#FF9800' bgcolor='#2196F3' place='left;bottom'/> <joystick id='3' color='#FFEB3B' bgcolor='#009688' place='right;bottom'/> </layout>

Demo #6: Slider

Sliders are another common user interface element. They can be used to set a value within a given range. The range always starts with 0. The maximum value can explicitely be specifed using the max attribute. By default the sliders range from 0 to 100.

Like switches the sliders keep their state and the user may expect the sliders to be set to the current value at startup. The example sketch also does this in the ftduinoblue_callback() function.

Furthermore this demo shows how to disable an element by setting its enabled attribute to false making the element unresponsive to user input. This may either be used to indicate that manual interaction is not possible at this moment. But this may also be used to create a display-only element as the Arduino can still change the value and alter the visual appearence of a disabled element.

<layout orientation='portrait' name='Demo #6: Slider'> <label id='1' size='20' place='top;hcenter'>Some sliders</label> <slider id='2' height='30' width='parent' color='#E91E63' place='left;below:1'/> <slider id='3' height='30' width='parent' color='#03A9F4' enabled='false' place='left;below:2'/> <slider id='4' height='30' width='parent' color='#4CAF50' place='left;below:3' max='10'/> </layout>